I’ve circumnavigated the sun dozens of times. In those revolutions, there have been many revelations along the way. I haven’t mastered these, but I do my best to incorporate. Here is my unsolicited, incomplete and flawed list of “Things to Try”:
To Tell the Truth and shame the devil. They say the truth shall set you free. If that’s the case, I intend to live freely.
Something That Genuinely Frightens You. Our brains are wired to keep us protected so that our days are relatively benign, predictable and safe. In reality, our brains are conditioned to keep things boring. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. To live completely chaotic and place ourselves in constant peril probably isn’t the greatest recipe for prolonged success. However, in order for the safety switch of normalcy to be working optimally, it’s important to interject a little healthy chaos. Be on the lookout for a challenging yet relatively harmless opportunity that you might find completely terrifying. You know what that is for you. Pick the one that highly guarantees your life remains intact, and throw caution overboard. Your brain will be waiting with the life-preserver.
Being Nice.
Practicing Mindfulness. Be cognizant that your thoughts and words have tremendous power. Aim to be fully present and aware of where you are and what you’re doing. Slowing down and allowing yourself the chance to process your stimuli will help you to think better and be less reactive and less overwhelmed.
To Surround Yourself With Great People. The company you keep matters. Be purposeful with your time and who you give it to. Place yourself around people who hold you accountable and expect the best from you. Spend time with mentors and people you can learn from.
To Listen, specifically, To Understand. Give people a chance to say their piece. Listen. But seek the meaning they are trying to convey.
To Be Your Best. At the end of the day you must give something. You get to decide what. You can give excuses or you can give everything you have.
To Have a Sence of Humor. It’s been echoed a few times, but I think a great philosophy centers around taking your work very seriously, and yourself much less so.
When all else fails - Try, Try, Try Again. In a river, water flows and meets objects. Such is life. By simply living you are guaranteed friction. Sometimes you’ll even find yourself stuck. Don’t let yourself be stuck for too long, because nasty things grow in stagnant water. Do everything you can to keep moving passed life’s obstacles. Go through them, by them, around them, over them. Just keep swimming.